Sophie and Holly's Story

My daughter Holly was born by caesarean section late one evening in January 2018. In hospital, I had help whenever I asked, including at 1am where an excellent student midwife got the knitted boobs out to talk me through getting her latched properly! At home we continued to receive support from the community midwives and I got a call from the community breastfeeding team encouraging me to come to the support group at The Hive in Worcester.


After a few days, I had some concerns about Holly spluttering and clicking while feeding, I was also starting to get sore, misshapen nipples and some cracking. Our community midwife was happy with Holly’s weight gain and thought it might be related to latch but listened to our concerns and referred us to the tongue tie clinic. In the meantime, I made trips to the Hive and got some invaluable support from Lynne who watched her feed and made some adjustments in positioning.

“Our community midwife listened to our concerns and referred us to the tongue tie clinic.”

support from Lynne who watched her feed and made some adjustments in positioning.

When we attended clinic, I discussed what had been happening and Becky examined Holly, where she identified a significant posterior tie. We discussed the risks and benefits of division and I decided to go ahead. It was a very brief procedure and I fed her straight after, I’m sure I found it more stressful than Holly!


Nine months on and we are still feeding. I’m still trying to remember everything we’ve learnt; especially now her latch is changing with the arrival of teeth! But we’re incredibly grateful for all the support on our journey.

Website by Seismik
Herefordshire & Worcestershire
Local Maternity and Neonatal System